Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Corner of Happy & Peace

The calm after the storm is often something people forget is coming.  It is something I forgot about.  Sometimes the storm is so harsh that it has the ability to change the landscape, and our only focus becomes survival.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on survival, but it can feel very overwhelming and seem endless.

What I forgot about is the calm that follows the storm.  It is peaceful.
There is clarity with peace.  There is happiness with peace.

These days I find myself hanging out on the corner of Happy & Peace.  The road here was broken, and the storm I drove through was horrible.  The good news is, when I look in the rear view mirror, the storm is already gone!  All I see is blue sky, and it is beautiful.

Life has a way of swallowing us up from time to time.  Some of us face it all head on.  Some of us drown in the stress.  No matter how you deal with challenge, from time to time you will find yourself standing in the middle of the pouring rain.  Have you ever been in the rain, and suddenly get hit with hail?!?!  It has happened to me both literally and figuratively!  Sometimes when you think it can't get any worse, it does.

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that no matter what you are going through, the storm will eventually pass.  There will be a day in your future where you realize that what you see in your rear view mirror is no longer dark and black.  What you will see is beautiful blue skies.  You will find yourself in a calm that is more peaceful than you dreamed it could be.

If there were never any challenges in life, you wouldn't appreciate this calm.
I have heard before that we should learn to dance in the rain.  While this thought is all good and sweet, it is hard to dance in the hail.  Sometimes the storm is so bad, that dancing is the furthest thing from your mind.  If you can't dance in the rain, watch the horizon.  The storm won't last forever, and you will find the calm soon.

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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