Tuesday, January 2, 2018

In My Opinion

In my 32 years, I have been offered opinions on everything I have ever done.  An opinion is something you are given, even though 9 times out of 10 you didn't ask for it!  Experience in life leads us to believe that we have an innate responsibility to offer advice! Believe me, I am guilty of doing this too.

But, when is it really appropriate to offer an opinion?  When is it the right time to interject your feelings on something that has nothing to do with you?

There are times in my life that I wish I had listened to the advice given.  Advice given, that at the time seemed rude.  It seemed hurtful.  It seemed useless and inappropriate.  Now in hindsight I wish I had listened to it.

However this isn't always the way things work.  Sometimes giving advice on something too quickly can actually push the person you give it too away from you.  Offering advice is somewhat of an art.  It takes practice, patience, and KINDNESS.  The kindness part is pivotal!  Everyone has feelings, and everyone is entitled to live their life the way they see fit.  You do NOT, and I repeat... YOU DO NOT have to agree with the choices they make!  You shouldn't enable someone who is making poor choices.  But, offering advice on anything needs to be done carefully.

I am officially dating someone.  It happened out of nowhere, and caught me off guard.  I didn't know what I wanted when it came to a relationship.  All I knew if that I refused to be with anyone that didn't make me happy.  After being unhappy for so long, the only 2 requirements in my mind when it came to being with someone...
2)  You have to make me happy.

The man that I am dating has yet to meet my children, but takes interest in them already.  He doesn't want to meet them without knowing that he and I will work, which is exactly how I feel.  He respects them and me.  And most importantly, he makes me happy!  We laugh, we have fun, we get each other.  Of course we have a lot to learn about each other, and that is what dating is for!

I posted very vaguely about seeing someone on Facebook and I was stunned by the response!  I had kept it secret to avoid that influx of opinions on everything about him, myself, and us.  What I was shocked by is the overwhelming support that I received.  Friends and family both excited that I am happy.  Not many opinions offered.  Not many people against this new phase of my life.  It was refreshing and made me step back to rethink my opinion on opinions!

I have spent my life defending myself and my choices anytime someone offered an opinion.  Fighting back, full of explanations for why I am choosing this or that.  It is exhausting, and would wear on anyone.  Perhaps the issue isn't that people offer advice even when it is unwarranted.  Perhaps the problem is our defense that we raise to it.

An opinion is no different than someone's status update on Facebook.  We don't always comment on those.  We don't always like them.  But, after going to war with a few people over something they post online... you learn to SCROLL ON!  When someone offers their opinion, it is okay to smile, say thank you for caring, and scroll on!  We don't have to take their advice, but we can appreciate that they care enough to offer it.

When the opinions and advice stop coming in, find concern that no one cares to offer it.
In the mean time, find peace in accepting that it is your life to live!  You only get one, so damn it... live it up!  Don't waste a single day of it being unhappy.
I guarantee you, I won't!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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