Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Shot of Fear

I was asked a question the other day that really made me stop and think about our world.
One of those questions that you answer based on your feelings, and then you really think it all through, and analyze why you feel the way you do.  I know, I know... I overthink the junk out of everything, but that is who I am.  I already know that this post will be controversial, but this is MY BLOG, and it is MY SPACE to share MY FEELINGS.  This post is NOT intended to spark a Facebook war, and I ask that you keep in mind that opinions are like assholes.  Everyone has one, and some of them stink. So here goes nothing.

"How do you feel about the school shooting in Florida?  You have kids in the public school system, so does it make you scared?"

The short answer is No.
The long answer explains why.

Reality is, I fear for my safety and that of my children every time we leave the comfort of our home.  It is my job to protect those 2 little humans, and that is hard to do in the world we live in today.  Shootings can happen ANYWHERE.  You can go to the movies, and never see the end.  You can go to a Night Club, and never hear the end of a song.  You can go to a Jason Aldean concert in the middle of a parking lot in Vegas, and never wake up the next day.

Death is a part of life.  Of course I hope I wake up tomorrow.  I am not ready to go meet my maker just yet, and I haven't finished all I want to do here!  But when it's my time to go, He is going to take me home, ready or not.

When a shooting happens anywhere, the same cycle happens.
Shooting >> Facebook Debates >> Nothing Changes >> We Forget >> REPEAT.
I think having an annual day of remembrance of school shootings might not be such a bad idea.  Pick a day US GOVERNMENT, and make it a National Day of Remembrance.  Just like we remember the tragedy that was 9/11, or we use Memorial Day to remember those who have died in battle for our country.  

School shootings are the definition of a tragedy.  They traumatize students, terrify parents, and spark the gun control controversy every single time they happen.  I consider myself to be a liberal conservative!  I know that is a contradiction in terms, but there are a lot of things that I fall to the left on and a lot that I fall to the right on.

I fully believe that as an American we have the right, and should continue to have the right to bear arms.  I do not own a firearm, but I wish I did.  I am aware of the statistics, all of them.  So, please don't waste your breath trying to educate me on them!

I do believe that the process to obtain a weapon should be harder, but I am also aware that no matter how hard the process is to purchase a weapon... the bad guys will still end up with them.  The government made it challenging to buy Sudafed.  It is now behind the counter, you must show your ID to purchase it, and you can only purchase 2 boxes a month.  However, the meth world still finds a way to land plenty of pseudo and they continue to cook meth!

No, I do not believe that we should give teachers guns!  I think most teachers would likely agree that guns IN SCHOOL are a bad idea.  Put guns in the school, and you now have a way for anyone to find, steal, and use these additional weapons.  This argument actually makes me laugh.  You guys whine and complain about buying a 3 ring binder and glue sticks, but let's purchase all of the teachers glocks!  These teachers are smart and are aware of the dangers that they face daily.  They know that high risk and active shooter situations are a possibility the same way they know a tornado could hit the school.  They prepare and train for it, and would protect our children however they could.

To sum it up, NO, I am not afraid to send my kids to school after the shooting in Florida.  I wasn't afraid to go to school after the Columbine shooting that left 15 students dead.  I wasn't afraid to send my kids to school after the shooting in Sandy Hook that left 28 children dead, or the shooting at Virginia Tech that left 33 students dead.

I am grateful for the teachers that spend their days educating and protecting my babies.  To say I feared sending them to school every day would be saying that I don't trust them.  It would be saying I don't trust the school to keep them safe.  I have to trust them.  I have to trust them the same way I trust that I am not going to breathe my last breath when I walk into Walmart to buy laundry detergent.

WE CAN NOT LIVE IN FEAR.  A life lived in fear, is not a life lived at all.

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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