Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Illusion


Yesterday I got a lot of work done.  I needed the hours, and I was so proud of the work I accomplished.  I set Christmas in a Walgreens yesterday.  Most of my people know that I work for a greeting card company, and this is one of my first big seasons that I am working on alone!  #ilovechristmas #workhardplayhard #ocdhappiness

After work, I came home and heated up the leftover Asian Chicken Wraps I made yesterday.  So delicious, and such an easy recipe!
#eathealthy #instafood #sogood

We had a makeup game this evening after our game on Saturday was cancelled due to weather.  So we dressed up, and headed out to Thomasville.
#TuesdayNightLights #CoachLife #GoLions


It is 7:45am, and I am exhausted.  I work for a greeting card company, and yesterday I set Christmas in a store by myself.  I haven't done a season set alone before.  It took me 6 hours, and it should have taken about 3.  I had to call in help early for the kids because I couldn't leave work without completing the job.  I didn't eat lunch because I couldn't stop, and I came home at 5pm fully hangry.  I opened the fridge grabbed the first thing I saw and heated it up.  Thankfully yesterday evening I had a little time and I was able to make Asian Chicken Wraps.  They were great yesterday, but today I am not sure I even tasted them.  I sucked the food off the plate, then fell victim to the "we are running late" mommy mode.  I put laundry in the dryer, got a cheerleader dressed, got myself dressed, got my things together, and headed to a game in Thomasville.  To be really honest, that was the last thing I wanted to do yesterday, but I was determined to follow through on my commitment.  I was sick most of the weekend, and still don't feel 100%.  I haven't been sleeping well because of the sick, and I just need a day to SLEEP!  The game was a train wreck.  The team we played should be removed from the league we play in.  The injured 8 of our players (on purpose) which ultimately led to a forfeit from our team.  The cheerleaders weren't there to see it because I pressed the ABORT button long before it happened.  Their parents were rude, disrespectful, and classless.  After they tried to start some sort of battle with our parents and getting level 10 nasty in front of our girls, we grabbed our stuff, were escorted to the car, and drove as quickly as I could to get home.  I was shaking most of the way home because I have never been afraid like that.  My momma bear mode kicked in and my only thought was to get my child out safely.  I felt bad for abandoning my cheerleaders and prayed that everyone got home safely.  Fortunately, they did.  I got home and got Abbie into the bed.  Thankfully, the in home nurse we have for Brady folded all of the laundry, including mine, and cleaned the house up.  After getting Abbie in bed, I was hungry, and I sat down with my phone and a bag of Doritos.  I made sure parents and cheerleaders had made it home safe, and fell asleep without changing clothes and sadly... holding the bag of Doritos.  I woke up around 1, turned the lights off, licked my Dorito fingers, and went back to bed.


I know some kids who are excited about Halloween!
#trickortreat #theyaregrowingup #pumpkinorange


That picture was from last year because at 6:10am when my youngest has to leave for the bus, one was still in pajamas, they were yelling at each other because of a Pop Tart dilemma, and my youngest was crying because he couldn't look out the window and "see" Halloween this morning.  The only difference in this picture and this morning's end results is the glasses on my son's face!  He broke those earlier this year, and is sporting a black pair now.  They are wearing the exact same outfits... cause this mom doesn't give a flying flip about Halloween, and I'm cheap!  They still fit, so they wear them again!

The point of this blog post is to let you know that every single parent you know out there is a duck on the pond!  We are all doing the best we can, and that is all we can do.  I assure you this hot mess momma doesn't have her act together the way it may appear on social media from time to time.
It's an illusion.  
Stop falling victim and beating yourself up about not being as good as others out there.  We ALL have days where we fail.  We ALL have days where we succeed.  Celebrate the happy moments and let the others roll off your back.  Im not a perfect mom, and I don't pretend to be.  I love my kids, and that is my reality.

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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