My Family

It is October of 2017, and if you were to meet us today for the first time... we would leave a terrible impression!  At the moment, my house is not tidy! Toys lie everywhere, there are crayons on the table from extended art time.  The tv has been on most of the day, and I haven't managed to grab a shower or eat lunch yet.  I have 3 more loads of laundry to do, and my sink is full of dishes because I am not sure if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty!  This is life in our house.  Being a mom in the world of me, means raising a family of 4.  I have good days and bad days, and the last 7.5 years have been a crazy roller coaster ride, that I wouldn't trade for anything!

Our last family photos were taken in October of this past year!
Life has changed even since this picture was taken, but today our family looks like this...

My kids call me mom, my squeeze calls me honey, and my friends call me Jess!  It is rare that I ever go by Jessica, but that is the name on my birth certificate.  I guess you could call me the ring leader of this circus!  For the last 8 years, I have been home.  Some days, I would pay someone to let me go to work, but most days I feel very blessed and grateful to be home with my kids.  I love to craft anything, and am a complete Pinterest junkie!  I like reality tv, greek food, blogging, and visiting with friends and family! 

Her birth name may be Abigail, but she has always gone by Abbie!  She is sassy, sweet, and crazy fun!  Her favorite things are gymnastics, Barbies, and lots of bacon!  She starts 2nd Grade this year.  She is such a big girl now, and loves to help me as much as she can.
Abbie burst into our family Valentine's Day of 2010.  She arrived 4 weeks early via emergency c-section.  She was completely healthy, and it wasn't long before she had caught up developmentally!  She is so smart, and constantly impresses me with the things she understands and knows.  In April 2013, we had a heartbreaking day when we realized that Abbie was suffering from seizures.  She was diagnosed with Childhood Absence Epilepsy in May, and after trying many different meds, we are happy to celebrate every day that is seizure free!!  

His birth certificate says Brayden, but he is our Brady!  He is one of the sweetest children I have ever met.
Always observing everyone around him, and continues to amaze us with his abilities!  Brady is our special needs baby.  He was diagnosed in October of 2012 with a condition called PMG (polymicrogyria).  It is a brain development disorder, which affects his development mentally and physically.  The right side of his brain didn't develop correctly while I was pregnant, and that means that the left side of his body is affected.  He has very little use of his left arm or leg, the hearing in his left ear is minimal, the vision in his left eye is effected, and the use of the left side of his tongue has been difficult.  He is in weekly physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.  He received a cochlear implant in October 2014, and it made a huge difference!  It is hard to believe that he is headed to Kindergarten this year, but he is going to accomplish big things!!

Well, that is our family in a nutshell!  We are a strange and very fun crew!!
There is nothing "normal" about us, but what does that word really mean anyways!!!

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