Thursday, October 15, 2015

In Loving Memory

The loss of a child is like no other.  It pains you deep, and it take a long time to heal.  While I have not lost a child that I held, I have lost a child that I loved.  The pregnancy was unexpected, but the loss was even more so.  I heart told me the baby was a girl, but we chose to dedicate both of our original baby name choices in memory of that baby.  We call the baby Emma Caleb.  When her eyes opened on January 7, 2009, the first thing she saw was the face of Jesus.

In loving memory of the older sister that Abbie & Brady never had the chance to meet,
Emma Caleb   01.07.2009

Today is National Infant Loss Day, and I am breaking the silence & telling the world about my child.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lunchbox Love

This year is my first year as a mom with kids in public school.  Since, that also means this is the first year that I am packing lunches, I decided to make it interesting!  I did a lunchbox practice run a few weeks before school.  I packed lunch every day for that week.  I wanted to ensure that my daughter could open all of the packaging, and would eat her lunch.  I also wanted to let myself get used to what it takes and how long it takes to pack a lunch.  I posted on Facebook that I was doing this... and I was hit was a lot of sarcasm.  

"You will have plenty of time to pack lunches.  No need to practice."
"What is there to practice, you worry too much."
"You would practice packing a lunch..."

While I tried not to let these comments get to me, it felt like mild character assassination.  So, I decided to turn this into a challenge for myself!  Can I go an entire school year without packing a SANDWICH in her lunch box??  Can I keep the lunches fun and interesting??  Can I make sure she is eating a balanced meal, while still trying new things???


In the 5 weeks of school so far, I have packed 1 sandwich, and since it was actually a SLIDER, I have decided that it still doesn't count as a "sandwich"!!!  I have kept the lunches changing, she had tried new things, and her lunchbox continues to come home empty!
I am keeping up with my lunchbox challenge in 2 forums.
You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Instagram is just a forum for me to post the lunches I pack, but Facebook is a group for everyone to share!  I am so intrigued by what others are sending their kids for lunch!  I like getting ideas, and I love sharing mine!  Please feel free to join either forum and find new ideas for your kids too.