Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Journey Ahead

It has been a long time since I have blogged, too long.
There is peace in blogging, in writing, and I need more peace in my life.  I think it is time for me to return to blogging and find that needed peace in my life.  I have suffered from depression most of my life, and have been able to cope with it thanks to medicine, therapy, and essential oils.
However, the depression has spiraled out of control since we relocated to Maryland, and I find myself at 32 years old trying to gain control of my life again.
Have you ever experienced depression?  True Depression?  Severe Depression?  It is completely debilitating.  It controls everything about you, no matter what you want, you can't take it back.  The hole becomes deeper and darker, and you have to seek out an escape route. It won't be easy to find that escape route.  Sometimes it feels like searching through the dark ocean with only a match to provide search light.
One of the most important things to do is to find a voice, and TALK about it.  Depression creates a loneliness that is inexplicable to those who have never felt it.  That loneliness can lead to hopelessness and the ultimate decision to end it all.  If you are battling depression, talk about it with those who you consider closest to you.

I am going to blog about my journey OUT of the depression abyss.

Day 1
I called the doctor this morning to schedule and appointment to discuss a change in medication.  I am proud of myself for reaching out and seeking help.  It is the hardest step in depression recovery.
I have a friend coming over and we are going to the pool for a while.  Vitamin D... also very helpful with depression coping!  Spending time with people I love, also helpful.

Goal 1, NO NAPS today or the rest of the week.  I am going to try and regulate my sleep cycle and napping is only making that more difficult!

Find something to smile about today.
Your smile is beautiful.