Monday, November 28, 2016

Elf Twister

Our Elf is Holly, and my kids absolutely love seeing what adventures Holly gets into each night.  After 5 years, coming up with new ideas for this elf becomes more than challenging!

Our elf doesn't really "move" per say!  She remains on the kitchen island, and all of her antics happen there.  I alternate between notes from Holly or Santa, and actually making the elf do something.  Last night, our elf was playing Twister with a few friends that she made around the house.

This was a simple and easy thing for the elf to do, but I had to create some printables first!  Fortunately, I am a graphic designer, and I love doing design work!  Lucky for you, I am also generous, and want to make the elf job easier for other parents too!

Here are links to the printable that you can download.