Friday, September 6, 2013

Back to School

While to others, it may appear that I was happier for my daughter to return to school than she was, that really isn't the truth!  She was 100% happy to return to school!  Parent Orientation was last Thursday night and she was all but running into the school!  We made a treat for her teacher.  We weren't sure who it was, but we love everyone that works there... so we knew we would get someone good!!

She actually gave this to the wrong teacher, and when we found out who her teacher was... it was a touch awkward asking for it back!!!  However, Ms. Glaspie, Abbie's teacher, really enjoyed it after we reclaimed it!  Abbie was able to go play with her friends while I toured her classroom and talked with her teacher about what we can expect over the next year...

Getting through the weekend was tough, because she wanted to go to school!!!  But, eventually Monday came, and she was up and ready to go at 5am!!!  She got up, got dressed, made her bed, and came into my room at 5am!  While it was very adorable and sweet that she was so ready for school... I was not quite as eager to get up.  After going back to bed and waking up at 715, I was a bit better.  Derik managed to snap a cute pic of her before leaving.  I made a sign for her to hold, and she was very excited to hold it!!!

Finally, I made a gift for her to take to her teacher on the first day!  I thought it would be fun, and Abbie loves to give gifts!  I love the way it turned out :)

Ms. Glaspie really liked it!  Abbie's first week back was really great!  She enjoyed being back very much, and I have enjoyed having a few mornings to hang out with Brady!  I think this is going to be a great year for Abbie, and I am excited to see what all she learns!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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