Saturday, December 6, 2014

Life So Sweet

I have been a mom for almost 5 years now.  I am far from perfect, and I often fall flat on my face while attempting to be good at my job.  This Christmas season has been hectic so far, as usual.  I was very proud to have my Christmas cards mailed out before Thanksgiving, but we still haven't made it to see Santa yet! We haven't baked a single Christmas treat, our Elf on the Shelf hasn't moved since she arrived, and we haven't read anything from the Bible about the birth of Jesus!  I could sit and beat myself up about the fact that I am not over achieving this year, or I could pat myself on the back for attempting to live in the moment.

I like to give my New Years Resolutions a test run in December!  If it is something I feel I can stick with and will benefit our family, I will openly profess my resolution, and hope that others hold me accountable.  If it is not a reality, than no one is the wiser, and I have the option of naming a much easier resolution as my goal for the new year!
This December, I am finding that my resolution attempt sounded like a MUCH bigger task than it really is.  I am finding that it is much easier to stick with this goal than I expected.  For 2015, I am keeping my resolution simple.  I WANT TO ENJOY THIS SWEET LIFE OF MINE.  That is right... the suspense must have been killing you!
It is funny how something as simple as enjoying life, can really sound completely overwhelming.
Let me Explain
I am a type A, crazy OCD, intensely high strung and high stressed individual.  I am constantly pushing myself past my abilities, and running my self sick trying to be a part of all of my commitments.  I have never been good at saying NO, and I still work hard at doing that now.
I enjoy planning of all kinds (calendars, meals, events), organizing, home schooling, scrapbooking, sewing, crafting, running my business, reading, watching junk tv, sleeping, working out, eating healthy, writing, shopping, dancing, gymnastics, working with my special needs son, date nights with my hubby, small group, girls nights out... and the list goes on and on!
It is really hard to find time for everything I enjoy when you jam the month with Christmas parties, decorating, Santa pictures, baking, Tacky Lights Tours, and Live Nativities!

I am learning that this life is blowing by far too quickly for me to waste another minute stressing out.
Ladies, have you ever experienced one of those days, where you are constantly picking up a bra strap that has slid off of your shoulder?  You do this for several weeks, and then it finally hits you... TIGHTEN THE STRAPS.  The minute you fix the straps, you are so relieved that they no longer fall down all day.  The answer and fix was so simple, yet... it took us too many days of frustration to figure out that tightening the straps would fix it all!
My resolution is to tighten my bra straps!  This means NOT over scheduling myself.  This means NOT over committing to events.  This means NOT leaving the house at the very last minute possible.  This means NOT taking the insult from someone I love, personally.
This means SPENDING TIME with those I love and treasure most.  God, my husband, my children, and my family and friends.  This means spending less time on Facebook, and more time in the MOMENT.  This means smiling more, and frowning less.  This means LIFE IS SO SWEET, so enjoy every second.

I wish the very best Christmas to you all, and may your new year bring lots of wonderful memories that you truly cherish and ENJOY!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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