Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Held Back... & Homeschooled

The list of reasons to homeschool is long, and it is an option that more and more people are beginning to choose for their families.  Busy schedules, dislike of material taught in public schools, more family time, focused learning time... I could keep going, but I don't think it is vital.

I have been praying about the decision for a long time.  Trying to decide what was best for Abbie, and not what was easiest for me.  My husband and I have decided to homeschool Abbie.  While, some of the reasons above were appealing to me, and definitely factored into the choice, the biggest reason is pretty simple.  I DON'T BELIEVE SHE IS READY.  She turned 5 in February, so by all factors, she should begin Kindergarten in September.  We went to registration, we turned in all of the required documents, her immunizations were updated, and we are set for school... BUT WE AREN'T GOING!

It has been something I have worried about.  I have seen signs that she wasn't ready, but I didn't trust my gut.  I saw signs that something wasn't quite right with my son, around 4 months old.  I noticed it again around 6 months old, but everyone just kept telling me I was overthinking it.  On a hunch, we went to the pediatrician at 9 months old, and eventually we had a life altering diagnosis on our hands.

Starting school may not seem as big as a life changing diagnosis, but it is.  If she starts now, and isn't ready, she could fall behind quickly.  I am not willing to let her struggle through school for the rest of her life, because I made a choice of convenience.  Homeschooling is NOT easy, it is not convenient, and right now, it seems very overwhelming, but I know this is what is best for my daughter.

We will also be joining a local homeschool CoOp called Classical Conversations!  At home we will follow a curriculum that I have yet to choose, but am exciting to shop for!  I am looking forward to spending a lot of one on one time with my daughter, and really building a solid foundation in her education together.

I do not believe that homeschooling is the right choice for every family, but for our daughter, I believe this is God's plan.  I hope that those who know our family, will be supportive and encouraging in our adventure this year!  We are nervous, and very excited about the journey ahead.

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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