Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I Promise

'Twas the night before our wedding, at OHenry hotel. 
In my suite, we danced till asleep we fell.
The following day would be chaotic and crazy. 
Champagne made that day just a little bit hazy.
Off to get nails done with maids by my side,
Just hours away from becoming a bride.
I was nervous, excited, and didn't what to expect. 
I just wanted that day to be completely perfect. 
Off to the hair salon, we all made our way.
My veil in my hand, we didn't delay. 
8 different ladies sitting in chairs,
With 8 different stylists up doing their hair.
Then away to the church, I flew like a flash, 
I put on my makeup incredibly fast.
My dress all steamed, hung ready to wear.
I put it on and zipped it with care. 
When what to my wondering eyes did appear. 
Hundreds of flowers, the florist was here!
Our photographer was lively and quick, 
She was everywhere snapping thousands of pics. 
Guests were arriving and finding their seats.
So many of our family and friends to greet.
Some traveled so far to be with us tonight.
The hour had arrived, it was all just right. 
I linked arms with my daddy, and fought back tears.
I had dreamed of this moment for 22 years.
My maids looked beautiful coming down the stairs. 
It's time, deep breath & a very quick prayer. 
The doors open wide, and it's our turn to walk.
It's all so surreal, I'm a little shell shocked.
One step and then two, I'm approaching the aisle. 
And that's when I see you there with a big smile. 
In that moment, it seemed like time stood still. 
Just the 2 of us there, it was so unreal.
I wanted to run to the front and shout,
"I do, I do, without a doubt!"
The ceremony felt long, but it wasn't! 
23 mins later, you were my husband. 
I promised that day to love you forever,
8 years later, that promise stands true, however...
I want to promise you one more thing.
Something I've learned since we exchanged rings.
Marriage isn't always happy. 
Love means supporting even when things are crappy. 
I promise to put your needs before mine.
I promise not to nag you all of the time.
I promise to minimize being sarcastic.
I promise to remind you I think your fantastic.
I promise to love you, unconditionally,
To support and encourage you additionally. 
Happy Anniversary to the man that I love.
8 years & counting, I can't get enough! 

Happy Anniversary Derik :) 
Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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