Sunday, October 19, 2014


If you are a young mother, you almost certainly have momspirations in your life!  A momspiration is another mother (OTHER THAN YOUR MOM) whom you look up too and admire for whatever reasons.  I have LOTS of momspirations in my life, and I wanted to take a few minutes to show them the respect that they deserve!!!
First, let me say that I have a lot of respect for my mom, and I look up to her.  However, my entire life has been me learning and watching her and most of what I already do as a mom, stems from her.  So, I don't call her a momspiration.  I like to think that she was the teacher in how to be a mother!
Like I said, I have a lot of momspirations, but I wanted to name 5 of them, and explain why I look up to them as I do! In no particular order...
Karyn Sterling
Elizabeth Norton
Melissa Wray
Alli Halpin
Amber Scavo
All 5 of you ladies, have had an impact on my life in so way,, and I admire the mother that you are!  I am going to call you out indiviually, and explain what it is that I look up to you for!  

Karyn Sterling
Karyn & I met in 2009.  She lived 7 houses down the street from us at the time, and the sign in her front yard said that they had welcomed a baby girl!!  We hadn't really introduced ourselves to them just yet, but we gave them a baby gift.  I was due in March, and when I met her and her sweet baby, Reagan, I watched her every move!  She was so fluid and natural at the mom thing, that it looked easy!  It made me excited to meet our little girl, more than ever before!  When Abbie was born, the Sterling family brought dinner to us, and we enjoyed the friendship that developed with them!!  We would take walks through the neighborhood often, and Abbie's first "play date" was with none other than Ms Reagan!!  When Abbie was just 8 weeks old we attended a community group that Karyn & her husband, Brad, had invited us too!  This was our first experience with a small group, and we loved them dearly!!  Karyn was my first mom friend that I had, and even better... my first Christian friend as a new mom!  Since Reagan was 3 months older than Abbie, I was able to take notes from her and learn from every phase before it happened!  
The reason that Karyn is a momspiration to me, is her incredible ability to discipline with kindness.  Karyn is a god centered woman, and she is raising god centered children!  She is able to maintain an even tone of voice and still get the respect she should from her kids!  They listen to her, and if they do not listen, the discipline is fair, consistent, and delivered with love.  I aspire to be more like her when it comes to patience with my children and consistency in discipline.  I admire her so much, and I hate that we moved so far away from her 3.5 years ago!!  You are an amazing mom Karyn, and your family is so precious to us!

Elizabeth Norton
Elizabeth & I met in 2011, at a Mom's Small Group through the church I was attending.  Liz did not attend the church that the group was through, but came to the group through a friend who did.  She was pregnant with her 3rd child and I was pregnant with my 2nd!  Her 2 children, were beyond precious, and I enjoyed getting to know them!  I knew Liz through this group for 2 years, when she told me that her couple's small group had lost some members, and they were looking to open the group to a new couple!  The group met on Monday nights and Derik & I felt that this was quite literally an answer to our prayers.  We needed a couples group, and Monday night was the only night we could meet, so we headed off to meet them all in August of last year!!  We fell in love with the group immediately.  Liz & her husband, Clark, are the group leaders & we have enjoyed getting to be a part of their family.  Kalli, is their oldest, and she is one of Abbie's best friends!  Wells, their 2nd, is actually very close to Abbie's age, and Abbie tells me that he is her boyfriend!  Collins is only 6 months younger than Brady, and the 2 of them are great buddies!!!  
The reason that Liz is a momspiration to me, is her surreal ability to be honest & not even slightly judgemental at the same time!  It is a gift, and I envy that gift!!  Since we met, I can ask her anything and know without question that her answer will be honest and genuine.  However, that honesty is never hurtful.  She has the ability to quote scripture and explain it to me in a way that I understand.  Some times people with this ability come across sanctimonious, but not Elizabeth.  It is always heart felt, and real.  She is smart, and cares about everyone she knows!  Those who are lucky enough to call her a friend, never feel left out, and always feel important!  I don't know how she does this with 3 children... all of which she homeschools!!!  She is able to teach her children about God, and the retain it!  I want to be just like Liz when I grow up!!!

Melissa Wray
I don't have a clue when I met Aunt Melissa, because I don't ever remember life without knowing her!  We never lived very close to her, but most of my childhood memories are either at her house, or on a trip with her family!!  Melissa is Mormon, and the Mormon faith focuses a lot on family relationships.  One of my favorite memories as a child is participating in Family Night at her house!  Once a week, the kids got to pick out a snack, a bible story, a game, and so on.  Then we all got to participate in an evening of family fun!  
This is without a doubt the reason she is one of my momspirations!  Her family is so important to her, and I can say I feel that importance without being one of her children!  I still get a birthday card from her, and I even get Mother's Day cards from her!!  She is kind and cares about her family, and I have learned so much from her.  Her blog was my inspiration to begin blogging.  She gardens, and grows a good amount of what they eat in their home!  She is an incredible cook, and wonderful hostess, and does so much for so many people.  I am not Mormon, however, I plan to implement Family Night in our home when the kids are just a bit older.  It is one memory that I want to pass on to my family!

Alli Halpin
I met Alli in 2011 when I moved to Virginia.  She was a part of the Mom's Club & I met her at an event! She is a mom of 4, all of which she homeschools, and her resume is without a doubt the reason that she is one of my momspirations!  
She teaches Sh'bam and lost more weight doing so than I can even understand!  She set a goal for herself, and stuck to it.  That is something I have never been good at, and I envy her ability to do so. But, teaching Sh'bam isn't her only gift.  She is also a Doula & is incredible at her job!  She is a gifted photographer, responsible for almost all of our family photos!!!  She also cooks from scratch, I might add and it is always delicious!!!
She is amazing at everything she does, and I can't understand how she juggles all of these things while being GREAT at all of them!!!  She is always smiling, and will have you smiling in minutes even if your day was horrible.  She is an incredible mom with a beautiful family, and I aspire to be half the woman that she is!!!

Amber Scavo
I met Amber in 2010, when I was in MOPS at Westover Church.  She gave her testimony in one of the meetings, and every woman in the room was sobbing!  We weren't close, and I didn't relate much to her story, until Brady was diagnosed with a rare brain condition in 2012.  Amber has since that moment been one of the most supportive & encouraging people I have ever known.  She understands what I go through, and she feels the pain & heartache we experience.  
Her beautiful young daughter was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago.  Her journey through that experience has been 100% grace filled.  She likely would say that is not true, because she is very humble, but it is!  I honestly do not know how she does all that she does & still have the amazing outlook on life that she does.  Her children are also both very Christ like and say things that show their wisdom!  I know this wisdom comes from their mother, because she has continuously given me wise advice on every twist and turn in our road.
She is one of my momspirations because she is so grace filled, even in the hard times.  I admire this quality, and with every showcase of it, I long to be more like her!

So, stop and think about your mom journey.  Who are your momspirations???  Why do you look up to them, and how have they affected the way you raise your family??  Have you told them that you admire their qualities?  Have you told them that you admire them as mothers, as women?!?!  You should.  Each of these 5 ladies I mentioned have momspirations that taught them to be the moms they are!  I have many other women in my life that I look up to for various reasons.  These are just a few of the women I am blessed to know and respect so highly!  Thank you so much for being you, and for showing me how to do this whole mom thing!  I appreciate each of you more than you can know!!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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