Friday, October 17, 2014

Turning Life Into A Sitcom

How many sitcoms have you watched and loved over the years?  Facts of Life, Growing Pains, Step by Step, Full House, Family Matters, Home Improvement, Frasier, FRIENDS, Will & Grace, Mad About You, Dharma & Greg, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Who's the Boss, 3's Company, The Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy... I could go on and on.  Chances are that at some point in your life, you have watched an episode of at least one of these shows.  I bet you might be able to name the entire cast of at least 3 of the shows I mentioned!!  Why are sitcoms so popular?  Why do Americans love these shows so much??  The answer is pretty simple... we can relate to them!
Sitcoms take relatable situations and make you laugh!  Tough times in high school, they couldn't have been worse than those on Saved By the Bell.  Family troubles, at least your cousin, Carlton, didn't constantly ruin all of your plans!  It always seemed to make life seem fun, and I think we could all stand to laugh a little more often!
So, what would our lives look like if they were sitcoms?  It would mean a few things...

Less Stress...
   While the families and friends in these shows always experienced stressful situations, they never stayed stressed out for very long.  Friends were honest, family members were there for each other, and everything always worked itself out.  I am completely aware that the situations were scripted to work themselves out.  But, let's play a little game!  How would you react in your family if your Mother in Law & Father in Law backed their car into your living room!?!?  That is right... Season 5, Episode 3 of Everybody Loves Raymond started with Marie & Frank driving their car backwards into the front door of Ray's house, where they finally came to a stop after rear ending Ray's couch.
Now, imagine your reaction.  Imagine the chaos, the time, and money that it would take to fix this mess.  Insurance negotiations, Contractor bids, framing work, drywall, the list goes on and on.
It would be stressful yes, but would you be able to find the funny???  Or would you think this was malicious and hold a grudge for life???

More Memories...
  I can name memorable moments from most of my favorite sitcoms.  Joey sawing Chandler's bedroom door in half while trying to build an entertainment unit on FRIENDS! Tim going ice fishing with Al, and falling through the ice, ultimately losing his car keys!  My favorite episode of the Cosby Show was the one where Bill emptied out Theo's room, and made him pay rent, because he didn't want to go to school.  I am not sure that I could name this many memories off the top of my head from my own life.  I remember the day I got married, and the day I met my babies, but what about the chaotic & crazy things?!?!  Those are memories too!!  One of the only memories like this that I have, is Abbie drawing all over her furniture, her walls, her clothes, and herself with a permanent marker.  The reason this memory sticks out, is because I opted for laughter over anger, and I grabbed the video camera!  If we laughed at those situations more and stressed a little less, we would have a lot more funny memories!

Making Others Smile...
  If you are laughing at a show on the tv, there are likely millions of other people who think it is funny too!  You can use life's crazy as an opportunity to find the funny and make others laugh too!  Having kids is really a comedy act!!  Life constantly throws things at you that are insanely ridiculous, and that is part of the fun of having kids!!!  When you find your daughter on the floor with 200 tampons unwrapped and swinging them by their strings... LAUGH.  When you find your sons in the living room with a 5lb bag of floor that has been slung all over your house... LAUGH.  When your toddler pulls out 500 baby wipes and builds a little wipe mountain on the carpet... LAUGH.  Let your kids see you laugh.  Let your family see you laugh.  Share your laughs with your friends so they can laugh too.  Sometimes life gets overwhelming, but tomorrow will come!  Yes, it may take you a year to get all of the flour out of the carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture... but laughing is so much easier than stress!
TURN YOUR LIFE INTO A SITCOM & fill it with laughter and hysterical memories!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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