Friday, September 19, 2014

10 Life Tips You Should Know!

Sometimes you learn something, that makes you say "I wish I had known that sooner", and these are a few of those tips and hints that I have picked up along the way!  If you know any others, PLEASE feel free to leave them in the comments section, or email them to me!  I am always interested in learning more!  

1)  Shopping Carts tall poles, serve a purpose!

I have asked many people if they knew what those poles are for!  I have heard so many responses that make me crack up.  "They are so security cameras can monitor where shoppers are".  "They are to hang your purse on".  "They are to keep your cart from flipping over".  All of these answers are wrong!

These long poles on shopping carts are to keep you from taking the carts out the front door and leaving them in the parking lot!  How did I learn this??  OH YES, I tried to take the cart outside!  As you can imagine... it didn't work out!  The crash was loud, the entire front entryway shook as though it was built out of paper, and the chuckles from behind me at the cash register only made my cheeks that much more red! That pole will not allow you to take the cart out of the store, so don't try!!

2)  Kids Temp at Starbucks!

Did you know that you can order a Starbucks drink and it doesn't have to be scalding hot?  
This means several things...
You can order hot cocoa for kids and they can drink it right away.If you don't like to drink coffee when it is piping hot, you don't have to wait for it to cool down.No more putting ice in your coffee so that you can drink it right away!

Just order your drink however you normally would, and be sure to ask for "Kids Temp". 

3)  iPad Guided Access App LOCK!!

How many times have you handed your child your phone or an iPad to keep them entertained??  Just admit it, you have done it before, and no one is judging you for it!  Now, how many times have you yanked the tablet away from that child because they were now typing an email to your boss, trying to FaceTime your mom, or deleting all of your Facebook friends?!?!?!  Did you know that there is a hidden function in the iWorld that will allow you to prevent the tragedies that happen when children play with adult technology???

It is called Guided Access & it is very easy to turn on!
Go to Settings > General > Accessibility & scroll down the Guided Access in the "Learning" section.  Tap it to Open & turn it on.  Set the passcode, which can easily be remembered if you use your unlock code.  If your child knows that code... use the unlock code backwards!!  Be sure to turn on the Accessibility Shortcut as well.  You can even set time limits for the apps!  
Now, that it is set up, go into the app that your child wants to use, and TRIPLE CLICK the home button. You just initiated Guided Access.  Your child will no longer be able to leave the app, or use any of the buttons (including the volume controls).  To END this option, TRIPLE CLICK the home key again and enter the passcode.  Chose the END option in the upper left corner and you will be able to close the app.  
You are welcome! 

4)  Shadows in Parking Spaces!

You have done it before, we all have.  You are driving in circles around the parking lot, because you can't find a space, and at the other end of the aisle... you see an "empty" spot that is calling your name!  Your speed up, and you begin to turn the wheel, when at the last second you see that there is a small Mazda Miata parked in that space already.  AHHHHHH those small cars hide behind the standard size vehicles so well!  

Start looking at the shadows in the parking lot instead of the cars themselves.  NOW, this obviously won't work at high noon.  BUT... generally speaking, you will be able to see if that spot is actually vacant before making a hard left into the back bumper of a SmartCar! 

5)  Sharpie Dates on Jars in the Fridge!

How long has that jar of spaghetti sauce that you only used half of been sitting in the fridge??  There is no shame, it happens to all of us!  You reach for the BBQ sauce, that you haven't used in a while, and you discover a jar behind it that had been moved into the dark abyss that is a fridge!  You have no idea how long it has been in there, so you toss it.  What if there was a better way?!?! 

There is... keep a Sharpie in your kitchen.  Keep it in the draw with all the wooden spoons, or the tool spinny thing on your counter.  When you open a jar of anything... sauce, jelly, salsa, pickles, whatever... write the date on the top!  So simple, and yet life changing!  Things like spaghetti and pizza sauce can keep for 2 weeks in the fridge.  Broths are usually good for a week, and jelly I think may out live us all!!!

6)  Date Charts on Medicine Bottles!!

It happened again.  Your child went to Bobby's house for a play date and they came home with strep throat, or an ear infection, or whatever else that can manage to pick up!  You head to the doctor, and they give you yet another antibiotic (unless you are an EO family :).  So you have to ensure that your little one gets that medicine 2 times a day, every day, for 10 days.  And you can't remember if he had it this morning or not.  

I am about to blow your mind... ready for this???  Date chart ON THE BOTTLE!  That is right, it is really that simple!  Take out a Sharpie, and list all 10 days on the bottle that meds should be taken!  Then put check marks beside the day for as many doses that need to be taken!  

7)  Holes in the Bottom of the Trashcan!

The trashcan is completely full, so you tie up the bag and begin the epic struggle of man vs. trashcan.  You pull, you yank, you even put your foot on the edge of the trashcan to give yourself a little more leverage, but you still have to hold that pose until the trash bag slowly slides out of the can and finally breaks free.  

There is an easier way folks!!  This hack unfortunately would be much more difficult if you have a fancy shmancy stainless steel trashcan, but where there is a will, there is a way!!!  Drill holes in the sides at the bottom of the trash can.  This will allow air to pass under the bag, and PREVENT suction!!!  You will never fight another trashcan again!  Honestly, I am not sure why the trashcan companies aren't making the cans like this in the first place.  It must be some kind of conspiracy to get you to buy the expensive bags that won't rip apart as you fight them with all of your strength to get out of the can!!

8)  Car Seat Safety Stickers

The ABCs are blaring on the CD Player, your oldest is whining because you said that you aren't going to eat lunch at McDonalds, and your youngest chucks a sippy cup at your head... before you know it, all of the distractions have led to an accident.  Now, let's say that this accident led to your airbag being deployed, and you are not awake or aware enough to speak to the EMTs about the vital information they need about your children.  It is a morbid thought, but it is realistic.  Accidents happen all of the time, and often it is completely out of your control.  To ensure that your kids are treated properly... it is a good idea to have medical car seat stickers.  These stickers list all of the vital things that EMT's may need to know. You can download the file HERE, and print them using AVERY 5164 White Shipping Labels found in stores.  Of course you could also print them on standard paper, and use packing tape to secure them.  Tape or Stick them UNDER the car seat.  You do not want them visible to someone walking by the car, but only to someone who might look for that information.  The picture shown has the sticker blurred out, but was taken so that you can see it is stuck on the back of the seat, and then belted into the car!   

9)  Hide-A-Key Options...

There are plenty of ways to hide a spare key for your home!  I didn't think that a spare key was "vital", until the day that I went to the mailbox and returned to a locked door.  Thanks to my toddler, I was locked out, and I had no phone to call for help.  It was the middle of the day, and none of my neighbors were home!! I was screwed, and the next day, I hid a key!  
Some of the options for things you can purchase are really cool, and most of them are less than $10.  You can purchase a magnetic box to mount under the bumper of your car, or a thermometer that mounts on your porch, or a fake sprinkler head that can be buried in your yard.
However, there are some options that are FREE!  Gluing a rock or pine cone to the top of an empty medicine bottle and burying the medicine bottle in a planter or your yard is smart, and FREE!!!  Whatever you have to do... just make sure that you aren't putting a key under your mat or on top of your door!!  

10)  Siri Knows that Song! 
The new iOS 8 has come along, and one of the newest features of the oh so fabulous Siri, is her knowledge of music.  There is no need to purchase apps that can recognize songs anymore!!  Just launch Siri, and ask "What song is this?"  She will listen and let you know!

Starbucks water is FREEEEEEE.  Next time you are at the checkout line at Target, and you are soooo thirsty, don't grab a bottle of water for $1.49.  Pay for your stuff, and walk to the in house Starbucks!  If you don't have a Starbucks in your Target... I am so sorry for you!!!  Ask for a Venti Water... that is 20oz of Triple Filtered DELICIOUSLY free water!!!  

That is all I have for you fine readers today!  
If you have any other awesome tips... PLEASE share them with me!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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