Saturday, September 20, 2014

Essential Oil Empties: KEEP THEM!

The ideas for empty EO bottles on Pinterest are really not that free flowing.  People have a hard time coming up with ways to reuse their EO bottles, but I have found a few ways to use mine that I thought I would share!  The amber bottles do serve a purpose, and they aren't cheap to purchase online, so I hoard them!
Amber glass keeps sunlight from hurting your oils.  I don't usually keep my oils in direct sunlight, but they are much safer in these bottles.

1)  Blend Mixing...
As an avid EO user, I make a lot of my own blends.  I often use rollers to mix and house the blends, and rollers of course make applying EOs super easy and clean.  However, some of my blends can work really well when mixed in empty bottles.
for example... The Acne Blend that I created for my husband.
It works like a charm FYI, and this is a man who swore by ProActive.
I mixed this blend into an Empty Lavender bottle because Lavender is wonderful for sink issues.
7 drops Geranium
7 drops Grapefruit
10 drops Melalueca
Fill 1/2 way with Vitamin E Oil
Fill rest of bottle with FCO
My husband is a restaurant owner, so as you can imagine his face is
seriously oily most of the day.He uses this in the morning after his shower, and at night
before going to bed.  I haven't seen a bumpon his face since he started using it!
We went on vacation to the beach for a week, and he didn't
bring the oil.  His face was broken out like a 12 year old going through puberty!
One day of using the oil blend when we got home, and all of the bumps cleared up!
Mixing this in the empty bottle made applying this blend a piece of cake for my hubby,
and he said he preferred it in the empty over the dropper bottle that I paid for and BROKE!

You can use these empty bottles to mix any blends that you use often.  Just make sure to use a bottle that housed an oil which makes sense for the blend!  You wouldn't want to mix a sleep blend in a Wild Orange empty!  That would defeat the purpose of the sleep blend!!

2)  Bath Salts...
Fill and scent EO empty with Epsom Salt & put the lid on it!  Keep your stash of various smells in the bathroom, and when it is bath night for you or your kids, let the bottle run under the warm water.  Epsom salt baths are great for everyone, and if you have the right scent... bath time can be amazing!  You can use any empty, but some great suggestions would be Peppermint, Lavender, Deep Blue, Aromatouch, Melaleuca, On Guard, Lemon, Wild Orange, Citrus Bliss, Serenity, & Eucalyptus.  

3)  Use them at Parties & Classes!
This may sound simple and for people who don't "SELL" the oils, it may sound completely pointless, BUT IT'S NOT!  When friends and family members want to smell oils, or try oils... empties are the best thing to have on hand.  At parties, I do not display the full bottles, because people will test them, spill them, and waste them!  The empties have the same smell as a full bottle, and none of your treasured oil gets wasted.  If someone wants to purchase a sample, or you are giving some oil someone, use an empty!  Why waste these bottles?!?!?!

4)  Diffusing Oil...
Last but not least, you can fill an empty with carrier oil, and use it in your diffuser.  An "empty" EO bottle is NOT actually empty!  There is residual oil, and you can get it out of the bottle with carrier.  Fill it with carrier, and then use that oil in your diffuser.  The smell will be much more subtle, but you will smell it!

Hope these ideas help!  If you have any other ideas, please share them with me in the comments below!

Jessica Farrar
Jessica Farrar

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.


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